The Purposes shall be: To practice, share, and encourage the rise of skills of the sea including traditional boatbuilding, sailing, rowing, and seamanship.
To encourage and stimulate:
- personal development through challenge
- perseverance and self-reliance
- initiative and creativity
- community building and social responsibility
- the spirit of adventure
- fitness of mind and body
- vocational, cultural and social life skills
- international understanding and awareness
- interest in local and global maritime heritage
To participate in gatherings during even years of the Atlantic Challenge gigs involving members in friendly contests of skill, sportsmanship and style, as distinct from competition.
To develop and host “sea seminars” special projects, expeditions, and publications in the alternate (odd) years between members of all or a portion of our member organizations.
To actively involve our members in service to “sister organizations”, creating and strengthening each others’ facilities, programs, and projects.
To encourage the most sensible addition or expansion of A.C. with additional groups – always consistent with the vote of the majority of international trustees.